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Jury Service

Jury Duty

All U.S. citizens over the age of 18, who reside in the county that issued the jury summons, and are able to understand the English language are eligible to serve on a jury in the state of California. Jurors with prior felony convictions are now eligible to serve unless their civil rights have not been restored, they are currently on felony probation, supervision, are currently incarcerated or are required to register under PC Sec. 290.

Jury Service Information Regarding Coronavirus

If you are sick, experiencing symptoms of, have been exposed to, or are taking care of a family member who is sick or has been exposed to COVID-19, please do not come to the courthouse.

Please read Higher Risk Information.

How to Postpone Your Jury Service Without Coming to Court:

Jurors may contact the Office of the Jury Commissioner by telephone, email, fax, or by mail to reschedule your service date due to COVID-19

  1. Phone: (530)-822-3307
  2. Email: sends email)
  3. Fax: (530)-822-3507
  4. Mail: ATTN: Jury Services 1175 Civic Center Blvd. Yuba City, CA 95993
  5. Online:

Check Juror Status(link is external)

Juror Summons

Upon receiving your jury summons, read all instructions carefully. You will find your report date near the bar code on the jury summons. When reporting for jury duty, bring your summons with you. If you have additional questions you may refer to the information below or contact Sutter County Superior Court, Jury Services at (530) 822-3307.

Juror Status and Badge Number

To find out if you are required to report for jury services, you must call (530) 822-3307 or check your status(link is external) after 5:00 P.M. the evening BEFORE you are scheduled to report.

Jury Status(link is external)

It’s important to have your badge number available when calling or checking the website.  Your badge number is located on your summons under the bar code in the upper left hand corner and is a 4 to 10 digit number.

Dress Code

Shorts and tank tops are not appropriate attire in the courtroom.

Court Security

The courthouse is a secure building. DO NOT bring any food, beverages, pocketknives, fingernail files, weapons, or mace into the building. Please turn off all pagers and cell phones before entering the courthouse.

Postponing Service / Requesting New Report Date

If you are unable to serve during the time requested on your summons, you may use our Online Jury Services(link is external) to request a new court date or complete the section on your summons, “Requesting a Postponement,” and mail back to the court (do not do both). When requesting a postponement, the request date cannot exceed six months from your current summons date. If the jury clerk is unable to grant the postponement, you may have to appear before the judge to explain the reason why you cannot serve. If your request is for medical reasons and you are under the age of 70, you must attach a note from your doctor indicating you are unable to serve due to a medical condition and stating the condition is temporary or permanent.

Online Jury Services(link is external)

Disqualification / Excuse

A person is disqualified or excused if he or she is a felon, nonresident, noncitizen, under a conservatorship, a non-English speaker, or an active peace officer. If you fall into one of these categories, you may use our Online Jury Services(link is external) or check the appropriate box on your jury summons and sign, date, and return to jury services within five business days. If no box applies you may provide an explanation in the space provided.


If you are a person with a disability and require special accommodations, please refer to ADA Information or contact the court at (530) 822-3307.


Parking is available directly in front of the courthouse which faces Civic Center Blvd. Entrance to the parking lot is located on Veterans Memorial Circle. Handicap parking places are also available in this area, clearly marked and may be used with a Department of Motor Vehicles Handicap Permit clearly displayed.

Employer Information

Labor Code Section 230 states that no employer shall discharge or in any manner discriminate against an employee for taking time off for jury duty if the employer was provided with reasonable notice prior to the date of jury service.

Proof of Appearance

Verification of your appearance is required by some employers and will be provided by staff upon request. You may also obtain your verification online by logging on to our Online Jury Services(link is external) application, click Service Certificate from the menu and then click Generate Service Certificate in PDF to open and print your verification certificate.

Online Jury Services(link is external)


Jurors receive payment of $15.00 per day for the second and subsequent days, plus mileage. A check is mailed approximately 3 weeks after completion of the trial.

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